
The game is using a modified FNV32-a alrogithm to calculate Crc values from strings and uses them for identification for most of the static assets and ingame stuff.

As the FNV32 is a hashing alrogithm, we are unable to get the original string back from the hash, but bruteforcing and targeted guessing can be used to find more values.

This hash implementation is case-insensitive, so the hashes of "TEST" and "test" are the same.

C# algorithm:

public const uint FNV32Offset = 0x811C9DC5u;
public const uint FNV32Prime = 0x1000193u;

public static uint FNV32string(string source, int maxLen = -1)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(source))
        return 0;

    var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(source);
    var hash = FNV32Offset;

    for (var i = 0; i < bytes.Length && (maxLen == -1 || i < maxLen); ++i)
        hash = FNV32Prime * (hash ^ (bytes[i] | 0x20u));

    return (hash ^ 0x2Au) * FNV32Prime;

The SabTool tool can calculate, bruteforce and look up hashes (from a hash to string lookup file, that was manually created for this purpose).