Name | Description |
AnimText/ | Unknown text files for animations |
Cinematics/ComplexAnimations/ComplexAnimations.cxa | |
Cinematics/Dialog/[language]/GameText.dlg | Game dialog texts for the given language |
DLC/01/ | The first DLC's root folder |
FaceFX/ | Face effects? |
Recordings/ | Voice over recordings |
Sound/ | WWise soundbank packs |
*.pov | Bink movie POV files |
ai.ini | Ini file that contains parameters to change the behavior of the AI in the game. |
Animations.pack | Animations metadata and compressed Havok animations container. |
data01.bin | Small barely used data file that has something to do with knife cutthroat stealth kills |
France.ambush | |
France.cinsplines | |
France.defen | |
France.freeplay | |
France.GpsGraph | |
France.hei | |
France.hqpoints | |
France.materials | Mesh material definitions |
France.paths | |
France.railway | |
France.rndnodes | |
France.spore | |
France.trigs | |
France.waterctrl | |
France.waterflow | | | FSM file which defines locations for each far scene monument in the game world. | | FST file which defines the far scene terrain positioning in the game world and other terrain properties. |
InputTemplates.txt | |
LuaScripts.luap | Compiled & packaged lua scripts |
ModelInfo.txt | |
particle.pack | |
particle.tuv | |
Saboteur.exe | The game's executable |
SAVE_START.profile | Profile file |
SoundBanks.ini | |
startlocs.ini | |
tuner.txt | |
water_planes.ini |
Name | Description |
115_CinA_Cheat.bik | Video of Dierker cheating in the race |
121_CinA_Qestion.bik | Video of Dierker questioning Sean |
127_CinA_Intro.bik | Intro video showing the Belle |
201_CinA_3Months.bik | Nazis occupying Paris cutscene and 3 months later text |
217_CinB_Box.bik | Sean opening the box in the cemetery cutscene |
221_CinA_BlimpCrash.bik | Zeppelin crash cutscene |
333_CinA_RaceBoom.bik | Explosion at the Eiffel Tower after the race |
407_cinb_flashback.bik | Sean's questioning flashback |
408_CinB_DoppBoom.bik | Doppelsieg factory explosion cutscene |
Ambient_FP.bik | Introduction video for Santos' shops |
Sab_Palceholder.bik | Placeholder movie stating: "TEMP MOVIE" |
saboteur.bik | Loading video for the main menu |
saboteur_de.bik | Loading video for the German version main menu |
Name | Description |
BelleStart0.kiloPack | Unknown megapack |
loosefiles_BinPC.pack | PC loosefiles |
Mega0.megapack | Data container megapack |
Mega1.megapack | Data container megapack |
Mega2.megapack | Data container megapack |
Start_German0.kiloPack | German starting data megapack |
Start0.kiloPack | Starting data megapack |
Name | Description |
Dynamic0.megapack | Dynamic global megapack |
Palettes0.megapack | Palettees global megapack |
DLC Root
Documents/My Games/The Saboteur
Name | Description |
settings.dat | Settings dat |