
LuaScripts.luap contains compiled lua scripts containing the game logic. On the PC version, you can find this file at (Game Root)\LuaScripts.luap.

The path and name Crcs are easy to calculate. Let's say the file to be included in the package is: Scripts\Experimental\AttackAction.lua. The compiled version of it is at the same path, but with the extension luac. To calculate the path Crc, the prefix d:\ must be prepended to that path. So the path Crc will be calculated from: d:\Scripts\Experimental\AttackAction.luac.

The name Crc is easier, that is calculated from the file name without extension. In the above example: AttackAction.

Size and size2 seems to be the same, no idea why are there two sizes currently.

Kaitai Formats


  id: lua_package
  file-extension: luap
  endian: le
  - id: count
    type: u4
  - id: entries
    type: luac_entry
    repeat: expr
    repeat-expr: count
    - id: path_crc
      type: u4
    - id: name_crc
      type: u4
    - id: offset
      type: u4
    - id: size
      type: u4
    - id: size2
      type: u4
    - id: is_module
      type: u1